Slideshow ^ |< << Slide 20 of 27 >> >| |
A macro is called using "<<macroname(parameter)>>". Parameters vary from macro to macro and are sometimes not used.
<<TableOfContents>> ---- Some text with a footnote.<<FootNote(This is the footnote.)>> || <<MonthCalendar>> || <<MonthCalendar(,2000,1)>> || ---- A certain moment - world wide: <<DateTime(2006-01-26T23:03:25Z)>>
Some text with a footnote.1
Invalid MonthCalendar calparms "WikiCourse/21 Macros,2025,2,0,-1,"! |
Invalid MonthCalendar calparms "WikiCourse/21 Macros,2025,2,0,-1,"! |
A certain moment - world wide: 2006-01-26 23:03:25
This is the footnote. (1)