Semináre a konferencie
Naše semináre
Grafársko-sieťový seminár, pondelok 13:30, C502
18.11.2024 Maros Cavojsky: GPS tracks as datasource
Externé semináre
Mirka Miller's Combinatorics Webinar Series, streda ??:??, online
19.02.2025 11:00 Lorenzo Mella: The extended irregular domination problem
Google Meet link
Bratislavský seminár z teórie grafov, štvrtok 09:50, UK FMFI M-213
12.12.2024 Jozef Širáň: Orientably-regular embeddings of multigraphs
Seminár z teoretickej informatiky, piatok 11:00, UK FMFI M-213
13.12.2024 Viliam Geffert: Konverzie medzi binárnymi a unárnymi konečnostavovými automatmi
Seminár z algebraickej teórie grafov, piatok 13:00, UK FMFI M-VIII a online
29.11.2024 Roman Nedela: Topological equivalence between groups of symmetries of Riemann surfaces and generation of the automorphism group of a Fuchsian group
MS Teams link
Neaktívne externé semináre
PMS, pondelok 09:50
25.09.2023 Gabor Szucs: Matematické modelovanie závislosti výnosových kriviek
Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar, utorok 19:00, online
13.06.2023 Grigory Ryabov: Schurity problem for S-rings: overview and new results
Zoom link, Meeting ID: 871 9332 0713
Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2025, 26.05.2025-30.05.2025, Česko, Hluboká nad Vltavou
GEMS 2025, 22.06.2025-27.06.2025, Slovensko, Trenčianske Teplice
Staršie konferencie
24th Conference ITAT, 20.09.2024-24.09.2024, Slovensko, Drienica
9th European Congress of Mathematics, 15.07.2024-19.07.2024, Španielsko, Seville
The 59th Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory 2024, 03.06.2024-07.06.2024, Česko, Trojanovice
Symmetries of Discrete Objects, 12.02.2024-16.02.2024, Nový Zéland, Auckland
Cycles and Colourings, 03.09.2023-08.09.2023, Slovensko, Nový Smokovec
International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies, 17.07.2023-21.07.2023, Škótsko, Edinburgh
11th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics, 25.06.2023-01.07.2023, Slovinsko, Koper
10th Slovenian Conference on Graph Theory, 18.06.2023-24.06.2023, Slovinsko, Kranjska Gora
Uncertainty Modeling 2022, 12.-13.09.2022, Bratislava - The book of abstracts of Uncertainty Modeling 2022